Out of Place Photography Project


Photo titled "Eat your Words"
    We were asked to shoot 100 photographs on a Sony NEX-5 with a thematic attachment to McLuhan's "The Medium is the Massage". We chose and edited the most representative 20 photographs of our vision and presented them digitally on an Instagram account. I chose to take photos of things that seemed starkly out of place in the city of Appleton Wisconsin. I was pleasantly surprised with my ability to pick photography back up like riding a bike and am extremely happy with the outcome of my vision and selection. From garbage and metropolitan nuisances out of place amongst nature, to candid shots that feel unsettling in an indescribable way, I am helping the viewer feel a part of themselves that is disturbed by striation from the norm. As McLuhan puts this phenomenon: "The poet, the artist, the sleuth —whoever sharpens our perception tends to be antisocial; rarely "well adjusted," he cannot go along with currents and trends" (pg. 89). From a societal standpoint, we like to cast things aside for being different, notice your reaction to the collection of photographs and ask yourself why you feel the way you do. https://www.instagram.com/p/CyJZzWSxGDu4ggi2zkUffsokRkNlQfn0Fw2EIE0/

Photo Titled: Sore Thumb


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